Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Micah is 7 months

Micah still has no teeth yet. They seem to be stuck right below his gums and are not giving him any problems. He can now walk in his walker--looks like he moves like a spider (I call them Spidey steps). Now he is drinking from his cup like a champ, and eating solid food like a big boy. He is very vocal right now, and has to touch everything! He is now trying to crawl, but still seems to prefer to try to walk.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

We think he is weaned!

Wow who knew? Just two days of going 'cold turkey', and Micah is OK with only having his cup now! He still gets breast milk just out of a cup now.

I was trying to gradually wean him, which Micah was fighting all the way. So his daddy thought I should try 'cold turkey'. I reluctantly tried, and to my surprise I only had to endure two days of crying, fighting, and tantrums. If it were longer than that I would not have been able to take it. Weaning Micah was just as hard on me emotionally and physically. For a minute I felt like I was weaning him from me, and breaking our bond, because he would be so upset with me.

I am glad to report that he is doing fine, and still seems to love his mommy more than ever. Now I can have peace of mind while I am at school that others can feed him just fine without him being so upset.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hanging out with Dad

Mom and Dad stopped by after their anniversary dinner to see Micah. Terrance and I decided to take advantage of the chance to get out of the house, and let Micah spend some time with his granny B.

We took Dad out to the Mainevent. It was nice to be able to relax and have some fun. Since becoming a mommy my game playing skills have gotten real rusty!

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