Wednesday, August 30, 2006

1 month checkup

Micah is growing like crazy. He now weighs 8 pounds 9 ounces, and is 20.5 inches long (not bad for an early baby). He was pretty worn out after his doc. visit as you can see in his pics. Getting the Hep B shot was not any fun for the little guy.

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Monday, August 28, 2006

1 month old

Sorry for the slow updates (adjusting to motherhood).

Wow, I can't believe it, Micah is already 1 month old. Time moves so fast. He goes to the doctor for his 1 month checkup on 8/30. I will post his new stats then. Right now he smiles a lot, and he has pretty good head and neck control. He even does this cute little inch worm scoot.

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Newborn follow up 8/4/06

Today Micah went for his first doctor visit. His new stats are as follows:

Weight: 5lbs.11oz. back to birth weight
Length: 18.5in. he has already grown an inch

Doc. says that eveything looks great, and that we seem to have a very happy, healthy, laid back baby. Mom and Dad agree.

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Lactation office visit 7/31/06

Micah is doing very well in the feeding department. Since his birth his weight has dropped from 5lbs.12oz. to 5lbs.8oz. He latched on and ate very well during this office visit. The nurse was very pleased with his progress.