Thursday, April 27, 2006

5th Prenatal visit

Baby update: 20 weeks on 4/5/06. The baby is now 6 inches in length, and weighs 12 ounces (same as a 12 ounce soda). The baby is very quick and hard to take pictures of. At night time the aby moves so much that my stomach feels like it has a fish inside flipping around.

Daddy update: He seems to have gotten his energy back! He has been a great help reorganizing cabinets, cleaning up outside, and just getting prepared for baby. I know that the mom usually experiences a strong sense to prepare the nest for the baby, but it came as a shock to me to see my husband jumping in also. It is really sweet to see.

Mommy update: I am feeling better now since being back on the Prednisone. This medication is supposed to lower my immune system so my body will stop trying to attack whatever it is it thinks it is allergic to. So now I have to be very careful about being around sick people, due to my lowered immune system. I still have a few itch fits, but not near as bad. I follow-up with the Dermatologist 5/3/06. Hopefully he can pinpoint my allergy. The steroid has definitely increased my appetite. I do not feel like I have anymore room to grow. My ribs are aching and are now the cause of sleepless nights. No position is comfortable for too long.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A doctor that finally listened, and took action

Hopefully soon I will be experiencing relief again. For those of you that do not know I have been suffering from severe dermatitis due to some unknown allergen since I have been pregnant. It has covered my feet, ankles, legs, hands, arms, and chest. The dermatologist that I saw today finally realized when he saw the rash with his own eyes, that I am not just pregnant and uncomfortable. He realized the severity of my problem, and did not blow me off by telling me I'm pregnant so I have to deal with it.

The past week has been almost unbearable for me. I have had itch fits so bad that I could not sleep, and I was scratching until I drew blood. Terrance has told me that he has seen me scratching for at least an hour at times (like a mad woman). My skin is a mess, but it will heal with time. This wonderful doctor has put me back on a steroid, that has been the only thing to give me some relief.

Most importantly, the baby is doing wonderful. The kicks are getting stronger and stronger by the day. Last night the baby kicked so hard we saw my whole abdomen/stomach area move. Now that I am feeling better I will get the updates up from our last prenatal visit. Please keep us in prayer.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Weekend fishing trip

We did not catch anything, but we sure had a lot of fun! Posted by Picasa

Feeling better now

The Boys are over their colds finally. They were sneezing and not very playful for a week after we returned from our trip. They are back in full force now. Posted by Picasa

Such a hard worker

Terrance did a good job mowing our jungle that had grown up while we were away. Most of the yardwork has been left for him to do since I have been pregnant. I help pull weeds and plant some flowers here and there.

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