Thursday, March 23, 2006

4th Prenatal visit

Baby update: 18 weeks on 03/22/06. The baby is about 5 inches, and weighs about 4 ounces. The baby has been moving around now for about 3 weeks. Movement is mostly during late afternoon and nighttime, and can be felt through Mommy's tummy now.

Daddy update: Felt his first baby movement 03/21/06. Felt strange to him, but was a very exciting moment. The baby usually hides from Daddy's touch on Mommy's belly. Daddy is doing all of the sleeping for Mommy. He's always napping or needing a nap poor thing.

Mommy update: Feeling good except for skin discomfort. Still can not stop itching. Went through another allergic reaction, due to Vicks Vapor Rub on nose and chest. Will see a new Dermatologist next month. Doctor thinks I need to see a doctor that is not afraid to treat a pregnant woman. Doctor says belly growth is right on target, and he was surprised that I am feeling so much movement from the baby already. Still not sleeping or eating much. I do eat when hungry, but that is not often. Our male doctor says that is fine even though I have only gained 4lbs. so far since becoming pregnant. I tend to agree with him since I take my vitamins faithfully, I am not sick, and the baby is just fine. On the other hand, our female doctor stays on me more about my weight. Differing opinions I guess. Different bodies need different things.

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